Monday, March 23, 2020


Jhal chakiyan ki Mashoor Daal Sargodha: Around 7 kilometers from the main city there is a small town called jhal chakiyan located on khushabh road .In early 1950s this place was famous for its landmark windmill but from the last 60 years this place is purely known for its roadside restaurant.
In 1960 Shah Zaman opened a small restaurant for the local peoples and the travelers which is now evolved into Jhal chakiyan ki Mashoor Daal. 

In the start different types of food was offered to the customer which include different variety of mutton and chicken but their one dish was most liked by the people who visited their restaurant. This dish was daal. This daal is different from the other because it is made in Desi ghee and combination of different varieties of daal which includes Channa and Mung ki daal. Rich taste of desi ghee makes this daal very special along with the special desi ingredients which includes different variety of spices which attracts the foodies all across the country. On day time finding single empty table in this restaurant is a mission on its own.
Once a daal is prepared it is served in plates with desi ghee on it along with Garam Masala and Achaar which makes it even more special The sale of Daal continues all day long and larger pots are refilled 4 times a day they have their special trained chefs who are serving this restaurants from  decades.
Over the past few years they have expand their business by opening their branches in every city of Punjab. While the main branch is still located in its namesake town. Moreover they also provide the different variety of mutton which is prepared in Desi Ghee with a reasonable price.There special kind of roti makes there daal and mutton more special.

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