Monday, May 4, 2020


When we talk about desserts, and we have to limit ourselves in street food. then there is no better choice than Ras Malai. A traditional pakistani sweet dish that has a magic touch to enlight your taste buds. A sweet dessert that is commonly eaten in whole of the country and famously in Punjab. Ras Malai is one of the most eatable sweet dish in Pakistan. Ras Malai is an Indian dessert from Bengal. The word Ras means juice and Malaai means cream.
The recipe of Ras Malai in Urdu can be called a rich cheesecake without crust. 
This dessert is usually used in different traditions. 
This sweet dish is made with condensed milk and fresh milk is also add along eggs then baking powder and sugar is add as a sweetener. After making this all this dessert is garnished with some dry fruits like pistachios and almonds . This sweet dish is best served chilled. People mostly use this dessert after good meal as a sweet dish.

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